To use simply rename the file to StartupScreen, one word, and drop it in your system folder. Make sure you select the appropriate file for your monitor resolution.
After downloading various Allegro StartupScreens I found across the internet, it was apparent that not much care was taken to represent the design correctly. Finding various flaws, either on the part of Apple, or the various compressions and dithering methods used along the way.
These screens were created FROM SCRATCH in Photoshop. using the originals as a template, I re-created all of the logos and text for the ultimate, anti-aliased, Master-Quality versions of the future MacOS startup screen. You may even find these to be cleaner than what Apple created! ENJOY
For information and/or requests for different versions, contact:
Jason Carey
Movix Productions
These screenshots are not affiliated with Apple. They are provided 'as is' and without warranty of any kind.